Monday, March 15, 2010


There Is A Man
There is a man, who can move a mountain
That same man, has calmed the sea,
Yet He bled and died on a tree at Calvery

Because of His love, for you and for me.
In this old world, I've climbed many mountains,
With deepest valleys in between
Yet I continue to reach higher ground
With Jesus the light unto my path
And lamp to my feet.
Theres no greater love, than to die for another
And no other love, has suffered such shame
Theres only one man, who's ever lived blameless
Jesus my Lord, is His name.

Last night I spoke to my Son (Matthew) on the phone. It was his 27th Birthday. I’ve come to love these times that I have on the phone with him because, it’s just him and I talking. When I visit, I am surrounded by my Grandchildren whom I love very much. But nothing can replace the joy that a parent has in their own children. Some times we just talk about the kids and what they are doing, other times we may talk about the Bible and what we are reading. Many times we talk about the past, about places we went and fun things we did together as a family.

It was hard being a single parent. Every decision I made was influenced by the love I had for my children. I wanted the best for them and I wanted to protect them from the world, but some decisions I made still hurt me when I’m reminded of them.

There is one memory, one decision I made, that always leaves me with sadness and regret. When Matt was in 7th grade he started a new school, we had moved over the summer so I could go to Indiana University to finish my BA degree. The beginning of the school year seemed to go all right. Matt had made several friends, and I was adjusting to life on the campus.

One Thursday afternoon Matt came home from school. He had been threatened by some boys who wanted to beat him up. Matt was very small for his age, and he was afraid to go back to school. So I let him stay home Friday, knowing that Monday was a holiday, I thought by then maybe over time things would be forgotten. But come Tuesday, he still did not want to go back. Wanting to protect him, I offered to go with him to talk to the principle, the teachers, the boys whatever, but it’s the law kids go to school.

Matt declined my offer to help, he said that would only make the boy madder. So I did the only thing I knew to do, we prayed that the Lord would protect him and give Matt favor with these boys, then I sent him to school. That night I arrived at home to find Matt rolled up in a ball in the corner of the livingroom. He was covering his face and head with his arms. I called to him and asked was he alright. I will never forget what I saw when he looked up at me. He was covered with bruised, cuts and blood from head to toe. His left eye was popping out of his head, his lips bruised and swollen, he had many ribs broken. After these boys had held him up to punch and beat his face and head, they threw him to the ground and kicked him many times over. A teacher gave him a ride home and dropped him off. The school did not want to take responsibility for the incident.

That was one of the many decisions I made as a parent that I regret. If I could have foreseen the outcome, of course I’d have done things differently. I would have never sent my Son whom I love very much, to be beaten. I would have never allowed anyone to hurt him.

Through this situation, I have a better understanding of how much our Heavenly Father really does love us. You see, God knew when He sent His only Son, Jesus, to this earth, that he would be rejected, despised, brutally beaten, and killed. Yet He allowed it to happen so we could be save, that’s how much he loves us. John 3:16 “ For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

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